Three Things to Ask Yourself Before Starting a Newsletter

How to know if a newsletter is the best options for your business?

Marketing is hard. It's never always clear what is the next right step for your business. If you’re thinking about including a newsletter in your marketing efforts, I would ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I have a product or service to sell?

  • Am I ready to engage and grow my audience in a place on the internet that I own?

  • Do I have content that can be easily repurposed in a newsletter?

Still don't believe me? Here's some quick facts about newsletters to help you understand their importance:

  • Newsletters help you build trust with your customers and develop relationships with your audience.

  • Newsletters deliver a high ROI.

  • Putting together an effective newsletter does not have to be expensive!

  • Newsletters create metrics that are simple to track and leave room for you to adjust as needed.

  • Newsletters pair easily with content you've already created. They allow you to share with your audience YouTube videos, blogs, and Instagram stores.

  • When you link to your current content, newsletters can quickly boost traffic to your website.

  • They help keep you fresh in the business. They let your customers know your latest and greatest.

If you're on a mission to connect with your audience and create a high ROI, then a newsletter is for your business. They are an easy and engaging way to share what your company is already doing.

Looking for some tips on what makes a great newsletter?

I've got you covered.


Niching Down (In the Travel World)


What I’ve Learned Writing a Newsletter for 16k Subscribers