What Reading Has Taught Me About Content Creation

My friends would tell you that the first thing I look for in any new place I travel is a book store.

After years of diving into my two favorite past times here's what reading has taught me about content creation:

You can't do two things at once. Or three. Or Four.

When you read you have to focus on one thing at a time. It requires our full attention, and a distraction free zone. It's a quiet act that provides so much compound value.

The same applies to content creation. We can't be everywhere at once, that's not effective. We can't write a blog post about every topic, or create a video about everything we do. Because when we do everything, we end up doing nothing. How many times have you felt like you have to be everywhere and doing everything?

As a creative this is HARD. My brain goes down so many rabbit holes. I'll have an idea for a new post, reel footage, or photo poses. It's so easy to get caught up in the bigger picture especially when you see others creating such good content.

But, in a perfect world, reading is like content creation and vice versa. It is focused, it is deliberate, and it is valuable.

It doesn't require posting something new every day. Imagine if an author tried to do that?! Their book would never get finished and their story would never be told. Instead, authors decide to compound their knowledge and storytelling into one lump sum which is what eventually ends up in our hands and what I search for in every city.

I don't look for half written stories like some of our content can be, I walk into book stores searching for the browned pages and old covers that have a complete story to tell. That have been picked up and loved so many times because they are valuable.

When we give ourselves permission to be deliberate with our content it becomes a focused summary of our experiences and results in embracing the value of what we share.

If constant creation always feels like a chore (it sure sounds like one!), I'd love to show you my system for content that not only provides value to your audience, but saves you time.

Remember: less, but better. Grab your FREE DIY Content Repurposing Booklet that will help you live less for the insta feed and more for yourself.


Is Content Repurposing Right For You?


Niching Down (In the Travel World)