Finally, a course that teaches you how to repurpose your content without guessing what’s working.

As a travel creator (aka business owner), you work hard creating your content.

But creating it is just the beginning to understanding what your audience really wants from you.

After helping travel creators reach hundreds of thousands of people each month, I’m teaching you how to do the same with the content you already have.

Meet your teacher, Laura

I’ve worked in the digital marketing space since 2018 and have taken what I’ve learned and applied it to the travel creator space.

When I’m not helping travel content creators trade their content time for travel time, you can find me traveling in my roof top tent, recording new episodes of the only podcast dedicated to travel creators, or curled up with a book.

Oh, and by the way. I’m a digital nomad myself. So I get the whole ‘working on the road thing.’ This course was developed for my busy creators in mind.

Benefits of the DIY Content Repurposing Course

What if I told you content repurposing is the secret to understanding EXACTLY what your audience wants from you.

When you use this course to repurpose your content, you get to…

  • Reach a wider audience with the content you already have.

  • Re-highlight the best parts of your content and ideas that your audience missed the first time

  • Spend less time on content and more time on the things that require your experience

  • Have a consistent stream of content going out to your community

Grow your reach in less time by learning how to strategically understand and create repurposed content even if writing isn’t your strong suit.

“Laura is professional and always goes the extra mile to ensure that the content she delivers is of the highest quality and done on time or even before deadlines.

I trust her to help me reach hundreds of thousands of people every month across multiple platforms. Overall, I can say that working with Laura has been an outstanding experience and I would highly recommend her to anyone” - Lexie Alford @lexielimitless

What’s Inside the Course


MODULE 2: Understanding what content is worth repurposing

MODULE 3: Adapting your content to different formats

MODULE 4: Setting up a simple repurposing content strategy

Make it stand out.

After you finish this course you will…

  • Have easy access to my travel creator network

  • Never ask “what’s getting posted today?” again

  • Put up your out of office and mean it

  • Only turn on your content creation hat when you WANT to

  • No longer feel guilty about ignoring your engaged community

  • Say goodbye to creator imposter syndrome

  • Finally have your content creation under control

  • Understand exactly what you audience wants from you

100% Risk Free

If you’re not happy with your content repurposing course, you’ll get a 100% money back guarantee.

Stop guessing and start strategizing your own good ideas.

The Alternative?

You spend hours every week pouring through your content wondering what you should be sharing and feeling frustrated when your posts don’t perform as well as you expected.

You’ll continue to miss out on experiencing the places you’re visiting because you’re tied to your computer making content.

Content creation that’s no longer a guessing game.

But a strategic use of your already genius work.

The DIY Content

Repurposing Course

Over $3,000 worth of advice all bundled up nicely in an easy-to-follow course you’ll actually finish.

All yours for just $297

Questions about the course?

Send them to or shoot me an IG DM @travelcontnetwriting